Subnet ROV Pilot Technician Training Course Updated to "IMCA C005 rev2 R04"
In Novemeber 2009 IMCA ROV Division Issued a revision 2 of their C005 document which has increased and changed the minimum competences required to be certified as a IMCA R04 - ROV Pilot Technician Grade 2
IMCA R04 - ROV Pilot Technician Grade 2 is the standard ROV industry entry level requirement
Read MoreROV Hydraulics Training Module has been upgraded for 2010
Increased the 2 x hydraulics training bench mock up and components.
Read MoreSubnet Services Add a Third ROV for their ROV Pilot Technician Training
To allow more flying time for ROV Pilot Technician training course delegates Subnet have added a third ROV with gripper, sonar, NDT probe and high quality video.
Read MoreTritech Micron Sonar Added to Subnet Training ROV 1
The addition of a new Sonar to SubNet ROV 1 to allow Competency based sonar tasks and assessment within the ROV Pilot Tech Grade II training course.
Read MoreSubnet Introduces Fusion Splicing into Rov Fiber Optics Module
Fusion Splicing techniques and hands on practical
fusion splicing are now part of the
ROV Fiber Optics Module.
Subnet Deliver ROV Familiarisation Course to SHELL
Shell Philippines send a group of sub sea engineers to Subnet ROV Training School. Subnet developed and delivered a Customised ROV Familliarisation Course for Shell Philippines.
Read MoreSubnet Services Fiber Optics Training Module gains Accreditation
Subnet gain Fiber Optics Accreditation by the FOA (Fiber Optics Association). This allows us to grade the competence of ROV delegates according to the FOA organisation and issue an accredited FOA competence certificate.
5 Shipwrecks re-assessed for ROV Pilot Technician Training - Visual Inspection Competency Tasks
Re Assessed the 5 shipwrecks we mostly use for survey inspection training. The LST was found to be v good as it is big and allows good wreck penetration. The jet fighter was found best for delegates being assessed for video inspection, dive logging etc. as it is small enough to allow a complete survey for a delegate on 1 dive.
2009 ROV Pilot Tech Training Course Schedules
2009 Schedules for ROV Pilot Tech II Training is now available.
Read MoreROV Pilot Tech II Students to each Build own ROV Project
Every Student participating in the ROV Electronics module within the ROV Part 2 pilot Tech course will each build their own working miniature ROV submersible and test fly underwater.
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