TEL2005 Combined CFOT & CFOSH Fiber To The Premises FTTx FTTH Course
Basic PLUS Advanced Fiber Optics Technician
This course covers theory and practical hands on bench work and delivers competences leading to 2 X FOA certification as Basic CFOT then plus the CFOSH Fiber To The Premises FTTx FTTH Course over a 6 day period.
Our objective is to provide our students with the hands-on knowledge and the ability to identify fiber types, recognize various connectors used in fiber installation; and install, terminate, splice and properly fault test installed fiber cable to the premises following existing standards. This program explores the history and future of Fiber Optics, Fiber Optics Capabilities and Installation to the premises. We prepare our students for work in any field utilizing advanced fiber optic technologies who after passing this course will be competently able to analyze with confidence any fiber cables, networks or installations to the premises.
This combined FOA Accredited and Certificated Course is designed to take the beginner to Advanced stage in short time. After completing the course students have the opportunity to immediately sit the FOA exams at our school.
SubNet are a FOA (Fiber Optics Association) approved course provider: All competences needed to place you in demand from leading FO business and gives a complete understanding of Fiber Optic Component, Network Design, Installation and Trouble Shooting. This program provides extensive hands-on practice on OTDR experience, Termination, Splicing and Basic Fiber Optic Network Design and Instalation to the premises with at least 75% hands-on activities.

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